Common Pickleball Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Pickleball Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that is becoming increasingly popular. However, like any sport, there are common mistakes that many players make. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common mistakes that pickleball players make and how to avoid them.

Positioning on the Court

One of the most common mistakes that pickleball players make is not being aware of their positioning on the court. This can lead to missed shots and lost points. Many players tend to stand too close to the net, which can make it difficult to return a shot hit deep into the court. Conversely, standing too far back can leave too much space for the opponent to hit drop shots or dinks that are difficult to reach. Therefore, it's important to find the right balance and be aware of your positioning on the court at all times.

To avoid this mistake, make sure you're always in the right position by constantly moving and adjusting. Position yourself according to where the ball is and where you think it will go next. This will help you anticipate your opponent's shots and be in the best position to return them.

Being Too Aggressive

Another mistake that many pickleball players make is being too aggressive with their shots. While it's important to be aggressive and go for winners, it's also important to recognize when to play it safe and keep the ball in play. Trying to hit a winner every time can lead to unforced errors and give your opponent easy points. Instead, be strategic with your shots and remember that consistency is key.

To avoid this mistake, try to play a more conservative game. Hit high-percentage shots and wait for your opponent to make mistakes. This will help you stay in control of the game and avoid giving your opponent easy points.

Staying Focused

Staying focused is essential in pickleball. Making mistakes can be frustrating, but it's important to refocus and play your game. Don't let a mistake or a lost point affect your focus or your confidence. Remember to play to your strengths and stay in control of the game.

To avoid losing focus, take a moment to regroup and refocus after a mistake or a lost point. Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and focus on the next point. Don't dwell on the past, and stay positive and confident in your abilities.


In conclusion, pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that requires skill, strategy, and focus. By avoiding common mistakes such as poor positioning, being too aggressive, and losing focus, you can improve your game and enjoy pickleball to the fullest. Remember to always stay aware of your court positioning, be strategic with your shots, and stay focused on your game. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to avoid these mistakes and become a better pickleball player.

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